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Codependency Blog

The Codependency Blog. Articles to help you understand Codependency. Codependency is a term increasingly used in psychology and mental health circles to describe an emotional and behavioural condition that affects one’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. Codependency often manifests itself in the form of enabling or controlling behaviour within the relationship. Roslyn Saunders’s Codependency Blog can provide insight into this phenomenon and how it can be managed with greater understanding. Am I Codependent? Take the Codependency Quiz and find out.

Codependency in the Workforce Part 2

Learn More About the Codependency Recovery Course Hi Everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. Following on from my last video on codependency in the workplace and corporate environments, a lot of codependents have difficulty saying no. They’ll put off their own work to do too many tasks for

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Codependency in the WorkForce

Learn More About the Codependency Recovery Course Hi Everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. For the next few videos, I’m going to focus on codependency in the workplace, businesses, and the corporate arena. Codependency is an epidemic that affects all sectors, in my opinion. So, for the next

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When our self esteem is in other people, places and things

Learn More About the Codependency Recovery Course Hi Everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. Today’s topic is about when our self-esteem is tied to other people, places, and things outside of ourselves. If we think others like us, we’re okay. If we think they think we’re a good

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I need to be needed to feel good about myself

Learn More About the Codependency Recovery Course Hi Everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. Today’s topic is “I need to be needed to feel good about myself.” In the past, my life revolved around needing others to need me. This stemmed from discomfort with myself and lack of

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Things We Do To Ourselves When We Go Into Self Abusive Behaviours

Learn More About the Codependency Recovery Course Hi Everyone, welcome back. I am Roslyn Saunders, Co-dependency and Addiction Coach Specialist. Today’s video is a continuation of my last one about some of the abusive things we do to ourselves in the codependency cycle. As I said in the last video, I want to share

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