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Roslyn Saunders Codependency Coach, today, I’d like to discuss the cycles of growth we undergo, particularly addressing the fear associated with growth. For many of us, when it’s time to progress to a new level or implement changes, we experience apprehension about potential losses – whether it’s relationships, jobs, or familiar environments.

This fear stems from the uncertainty of stepping into uncharted territory, where our established support systems may not accompany us.

Many individuals, including myself, have held back their personal growth due to this fear of losing connections. We often rationalise or justify our reluctance to change, but ultimately, it’s the fear of losing what has become familiar and comfortable to us.

Recognising these emotions is crucial; signs such as diminishing enthusiasm for once enjoyable activities or heightened anxiety before starting a routine task can indicate the need for change.

It’s essential to seek support during these challenging times to navigate through the fears and uncertainties of growth.

Encouraging others to embrace change and seek assistance when needed is vital for personal development and well-being.